What Mrs Benson Said

First time it happened, I was on a bus to Ibadan from Oshodi. I sat next to a woman who carried a child I wasn’t very pleased with, as he made it a duty to stain my clothes with his shoes. I was by the right edge of the seat, you know, that place where…


Let me tell you what rich people think of you; they think you don’t have sense and that’s why you’re poor. They also think poverty inspires desperation, that desperation prompts criminality and your criminal tendencies make you dangerous. So, simply put, they believe poor people are dangerous and should be avoided at all cost. Poor…

That Guy

Let me tell you about a guy; I shall call him Sucrutum, to hide his identity. He was a teacher I worked with. He was a very respectful person, especially indoor. Outdoor, he wasn’t very respectful. He would want to sell himself big, and he would think portraying himself bigger than everybody else would give…

Passionate Pasts

Nearly everyone has specs when it comes to choices or tastes in man/woman. You think physical punctuations and accentuations matter most, or perhaps you’re sapiosexual, or maybe you rather fantasize about people that have certain skills. Come, let me tell you; when love happens, it doesn’t care what your specs are, it just happens and…

Bringer of Wisdom

“Omo ò jìyà, ó lóun gbón” has outlived its trueness (as a proverb insinuating that wisdom can only be borne by suffering). Wisdom is the end product of a man’s intercourse with information; not with adversity. You need a green paint while you only have blue and yellow. Now someone comes around, takes a cupful…


Five Feet Apart is a romantic drama, released in the United States on 15th March, 2019 by CBS Films. It’s about two patients of cystic fibrosis (CF) who fell in love (with each other) at the hospital. CF is a genetic disorder that affects mostly the lungs, with no known cure. Lung transplants could sustain…

Soliloquy III

While in school I was king; At my door lasses would sing, But now that only memories ring, Even the homely refuses to cling. I hear not the ticking of clock, Long enough alone in my block, Write and read, evening on a walk, Still unsung, no dame would knock I cannot love two at…


Art is the voice of Nature; history is her tale; poetry is her song; politics is her language; love is her silence, for love, when spoken by Nature is always very quiet, unless frustrated. Happiness is the prize Nature gives to whomever unquestioningly understands her. Sorrow is the spell Nature casts on anyone who is…


Oh yes! Caesars have offered their daughters, but I was never like those busters. Pharaohs have invited me to dine so that a princess would be mine. They would march in nine to twist and whine, but I’ve suspected, marrying an Egyptian isn’t at all my line. So I went to my mother’s town, but…


For millions, it’s money. For thousands, it’s entertainment. For hundreds, it’s spirituality or science or art. For scores, it’s identity. What our souls yearn for; what fulfilment portends to us, differ, based on geographical, genetic, racial and psychological differences. Many find what they seek; many, never will they find, but death which shall seal their…

Soliloquy II

Day dawned not nice in me pockets And I have feelings for Wura But dame flaunts her anklets Alongside her friend, Aurora. Folks fuel me after the señora So I dress nice to rich banquets My modern Sodom and Gomorrah From which I return in caskets. Friends assure my skills are enough To attract any…


You came when I gave up on love like an angel from above. When you said you’ll be my wife, laughter filled my life, but who knew that life wields a knife, instead of marriage, now we have a strife. You shouldn’t have called me baby when you knew you wouldn’t be my lady. Our…